A little more about me...
I have just finished my NS and I'm going to enter university soon. The problem is I've made up my mind only last minute to change course from chemical engineering to business and accounting. It certainly seems like a very big change in me to switch from science to social science.(or should i say arts) The worst thing is many people around me including my close friends and mum in particular (she's a staunch advocate of taking sciences, not that which science really matters to her) are particularly unsupportive of my decision. Well, no matter what the choice belongs to me ultimately... but the negative statements do affect me especially since I'm having doubts about myself.
However, looking on the bright side of things, one of my most respected teachers recently told me she's confident of me in making the switch. Also, I have done some reading up on my own and even won a cashflow game competition yesterday and got a book for first prize... haha... Anyway, I realised through recent months of information gathering that the most important qualities of a successful businessman are the ability to communicate tactfully and a zest for success. Seems commonsense right? But ask yourself how many times in your life have you made a superb and lasting first impression on someone? Have you also tried fighting for your ideas and selling them until they are accepted? Did you have this unwavering belief for success that small obstacles and failures do not get in your way? I admit that these are probably the hardest obstacles standing in my way to success. (even harder than soc obstacles)
Oh ya... the main reason why I decided to change course in the first place is because I've been greatly influenced by Robert T.Kiyosaki. I want to be financially free and independent... such that even if I don't work I can still achieve lots of passive and portfolio income that can tide me through any crisis. Of course to get there I have to be cash rich to a certain extent, but to be merely cash rich is definitely not my goal. Think about it... if you do not know how to handle your money you will certainly get fearful of it when u get a windfall. The end result will be either you squandered it all away or you never made use of your money, which is the same as not having. And the reasons for being financially free are simple... so that I will be more financially secure, my parents can have a good luxurious life without compromising my needs, I do not need to worry about crossing my budget for this month because I know next month's cashflow will more than make up for any shortfall... and 1001 other reasons. Actually, in my point of view everyone should have this as his or her main goal since all of us want to get out of a "money not enough" situation. Some may argue that as long as we don't spend that much we will not have this problem. But bear in mind that many unpredictable crisis in life such as illness, deaths and disabilities can increase your financial burden a few times more at the very least. So is this strategy of earning little and spending little necessarily secure financially? I do not think so. Most importantly, I think that all of us do not want to be financially desperate, on top of being poor. Right?
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