Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Looking back at the past 5 months

It's really been a long time since I have written anything on this blog. Firstly, I must thank Elvin and Gaston for posting comments on my last blog entry... it really inspires me to continue blogging after the exams. Also, it is very heartening to know that some of my friends like Zhiwei are starting to read my blog... guess it's a good way for friends to know more about me even if we have to take different modules next semester. :)

Haha... I'll stop here with the niceties. (This is certainly not the star awards which ended a few days ago) Looking back at the past 5 months, I feel that I have changed and to a certain extent, become a better person. In the last blog entry, I have promised Boyang and myself that I must do well in my SMU academic life and get the SMU scholarship. So far, it seems that I am well on track and if everything goes well, I will push myself to ask the Deans for the scholarship. This scholarship has a significant meaning to me because it represents my goals and determination at a time when I faced lots of objections and doubts from my family and friends. Getting the scholarship will therefore be a very important proof I can overcome all obstacles and reach my goals like how Changjin did it. I remember just 5 months ago, almost everyone did not share in my dreams and some even ridiculed me. Well, things have changed now. I am a stronger person than before. :) Another important reason to get the scholarship is to relieve the financial burden on my father... afterall as most of my friends know my father is paying for both me and my brother's education and I really hope to do something for my family. This dream, this goal, is more than just the money or the prestige. It represents my determination and courage when no one else could believe in me.

My last session at Boys Town was an enjoyable one, and I could sense some degree of gratitude from my tutees. I bought them chocolates as promised because Djong did quite well in his prelims, and it was also a farewell treat for both of them who would be leaving Boys Town at the end of this year. Actually, I am confident both will achieve their dreams someday, because Roy has changed into a more mature and repsonsible person, and Djong has discovered his talents and found his direction. Haha... reflecting now, I also need to grow up... cannot be as whiny and short-tempered as before. I remember my goal is to become a teacher of teachers one day. :)

I have a piece of good news to share with my close friends too... My BGS (Business, Government and Society) prof welcomes me to join her research team for an overseas study mission on industrial parks in Dalian. This will be the first time I have ever boarded a plane, travel further than Malacca and have all my travelling expenses paid for. :) Besides that, it is certainly a refreshing experience to interact with the Chinese people and understand the business climate in China and how Singapore companies can succeed there. However, I have to get a GPA of at least 3.8 which is certainly a formidable challenge. Nevertheless, I still have a chance to achieve it... as long as my management accounting doesn't screw up. (Praying praying hard...)

After staying 5 months in SMU, I have some opinions on this university. I realised many people keep saying that SMU is different, the environment is unique and the students are more attractive to employers than N** and N**. Haha... frankly speaking, I really don't know whether it is true. However, I feel that SMU seems more like a part of city life than an academic institution due to the underground linkway, (which really comes into life at night with all the CCAs practising there) the close proximity to nearby shopping malls and the beautiful glimpses of the city at night from the GSRs. (group study rooms) Maybe this is one of the main reasons why I feel more relaxed in SMU than in NJ.

If there is one thing I hope to improve next term, that would certainly be to open up and get to know more friends. Right now, I guess most of the people I have come into contact with in SMU feels that I'm a nerd or a silverfish. (cos I seem to eat up all the books in the library) And the interesting thing is almost everyone has no difficulty in guessing I come from NJ, the muggers society. Haha... anyway I seriously have to change my image and my degree of openness. To friends whom I have appeared cold or distant to, I'm really sorry and I'm trying to really trying to change... so pls dun condemn me and continue to talk to me k? :) And to friends whom I'm going to know next semester, I will try my best to know you more and help you as much as I can. Yup... I think I really need to improve on my social skills and that will be one of my main goals in the next semester.

Finally, I really hope that my friends are also doing well and having fun in other universities. Don't worry, I'm not arrogant or superficial as what some people make out of SMU students. I'm still very much the same old me... with a tinge of adulthood now. (Afterall I just reached 21 yea) Anyway, really hope to stay in contact with all my close friends. Really miss ur sometimes... haha. To all my friends and those who strive to achieve their goals and to myself... Gambatte Kudasai for the new year!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened to this blog? its becoming mouldy and spider-webby....oh the background midi is nice though :)


9:24 PM  
Blogger metanoia said...

It's going to be resurrected in less than 2 weeks' time... juz nice for Good Friday

9:37 PM  

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